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URBAN URBANE: 2016 in Review

Twenty-Sixteen has been a phenomenal year for URBAN URBANE. Business has grown tremendously, and I have been fortunate enough to have participated in and completed a broad range of training, networking, and community activities.

Of course, this would not have been possible if it were not for the home owners, property managers, and homeowner associations who chose URBAN URBANE over the competition.

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you. Without you, URBAN URBANE would not be approaching its fifth year as a successful business.

Professional Development: This year, URBAN URBANE joined the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA), which assists professional businesses with networking, educational opportunities, product suppliers, and business development.

Website, Blog, and Newsletter: The URBAN URBANE website launched in January. In addition to finding out about the services I offer, you can find a wealth of information about cleaning, decluttering and organizing, litter mitigation, home pest control, and much more. I have provided links to books, podcasts, and Smartphone apps, as well as articles on health and sanitation, recycling and waste diversion, laundry care, and community cleanup and beautification events you can participate in. You’ll also find original product reviews and “how to—“ cleaning advice from URBAN URBANE.

I also started my company newsletter, Impeccable: Your Magazine for Clean, Healthy, and Responsible Living. Each issue brings you useful information on cleaning tips and products, recycling and sustainability, healthy eating, community activities, volunteer opportunities, and advice on living safely and responsibly.

Social Media: Can one be in business these days and not be on social media? Not much you can’t. URBAN URBANE has joined other companies and signed up for multiple social media accounts. You can now connect with me on YouTube, Twitter, Google+, and of course, LinkedIn too. Go to the Social Media tab of this website to connect.

Continuing Ed: As part of my effort to continually improve my knowledge and skills, I have earned continuing education credits on a variety of topics, such as carpet care, disinfection, green cleaning, and basic cleaning chemistry. You can view a complete list on the Memberships & Certifications tab of the site.

Recycling & Sustainability: Those who know me well know how important recycling and stewardship is to me – both as an individual and as a business. My recycling and waste diversion efforts have increased dramatically this year. Not only do I save used light bulbs and batteries from homes and properties, I also separate recyclables from litter when cleaning my properties, and yes, even pull things from dumpsters regularly providing they are clean and good candidates for recycling or donation. You can view photos of some of the materials I collect – which includes items such as containers, boxes, clothing, tires, and electronics – under the Recycling Assistance tab of this site.

Community Participation: I am both pleased and lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in many local cleanup events throughout the year. In March I was a participant in the 18th Annual Reverchon Roundup organized by the Friends of Reverchon Park. Volunteer activities included picking up litter and fallen branches, planting new flowers and shrubs, and spreading mulch in the flower beds. In May I was able to join the the Downtown Dallas Neighborhood Association for their annual Operation Beautification event. Operation Beautification is a citywide community cleanup effort initiated by the City of Dallas each spring and fall.

In June and July I also joined the Turtle Creek Association and Groundwork Dallas for their regularly scheduled cleanup events. Photos from these events are posted in my Twitter feed and under the Community tab of this site.

And in August, I joined GRABBITS, an online campaign that asks participants to pick up litter every day in their community, photograph it, and upload and tag it on social media platforms. Areas to focus on are back alleys, vacant lots, under bridges, parks, bus stops, waterways, and the like. You can find photos of the litter I’ve picked up under the Community tab and my Twitter feed.

Community Sponsorships: URBAN URBANE is pleased to have had the opportunity to be an official business sponsor of several local events. In April, I was a Firefly sponsor of the Oak Cliff Earth Day, and in both July and November, I was an official sponsor of the Trash Bash Music Stash beautification events held on Lower Greenville and in Deep Ellum.

And in May, URBAN URBANE took the pledge to help Take Care of Texas. The TCoT pledge allows business to demonstrate their commitment to protecting the Texas environment by conserving resources, eliminating waste, and working to keep our air and water clean.

Again, I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of my customers who have helped make URBAN URBANE a success. I hope that you have been and continue to be happy with the service you receive, and that 2017 continues to be a productive and successful year for all of us.


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